We handroll our honey scented Beeswax and each one is made from 100% Beeswax using only braided Cotton wicks.
Something we love to do, each one burns for at least 6 hours and are just right for long family dinners, wedding receptions, leasurely bath times and inside a storm lantern, will light up summer evenings outdoors.
To produce one pound of beeswax, the worker bees eat about ten pounds of honey, fly 150,000 miles, and visit 33 million flower blossoms! Burning a Beeswax Candle also clears the air of impurities and like local honey may help anyone suffering from allergies and asthma
We have supported for a long time the Charity Action on Addiction www.actiononaddiction.org.uk (Registered Charity Number 1117988) but have decided from 2021 to support instead - Scottish Familes affected by Drugs and Alcohol - SC034737.
Important to remember to keep all Candles out of drafts and not leave them unattended
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